The journey to illumination requires an honest and sincere approach in the modification of the four bodies, identified below, that make up the complex system we refer to as the personality. The Souls’ personality undergoes an extreme metamorphosis during its earthly incarnation. It acquires a series of emotional conditionings, behavioral modifications, internal traumas, karmic events, and attachments, as well as past karmic inclusions that create a unique experience in the unfoldment and expression of the Soul. From the viewpoint of the Soul, they are not considered good or bad, just opportunities of learning and expansion.
In this series we offer methods and insights that assist in identifying, healing, and transcending the above stated life events and provide a window of opportunity for the personality to receive a greater infusion of light from the Soul, and eventually the Monad.
As an integral part of the clearing process, we offer frequency (sound) enhanced meditations that are designed to create change within the Quaternary bodies. Additionally, Raja Yoga (right thought, right speech, right action) and research into the methods of light, and vibrational healing will benefit the serious aspirant along the path of Illumination.
As we begin work in one area of the personality, a corresponding vibration radiates outward affecting each of the others. Our goal is to align each of these bodies into one strand of light, enabling the Soul to blend seamlessly and allowing the consciousness to focus on the spiritual Triad.
Our investigation begins with research into the etheric body, as it contains a vital blueprint into the illumination process.
Etheric Form
Etheric FormThe etheric body can be visualized as a mirror image of the physical body composed of energy centers and intricate avenues in which energy is directed into the lower bodies (forms). The image on the left will help to conceptualize the point we are attempting to make; however, it does not fully represent the intricacy of this body. Another approach in visualizing this body is to see it as a bundle of quantum optic fibers that are interlaced and intricately connected to the entire two-fold nervous system (cerebrospinal and the sympathetic nervous systems), providing life force energies and connection to the Soul. Without the etheric body the physical form would cease to exist.
This aspect of the personality is the causeway for the vital energies, pranic, planetary, and cosmic, that sustain the three lower aspects of form as well as provide the opportunity for expanded states of consciousness. It is also the instrument that contains the blueprint for this lifetime as well as the energies of karma and dharma associated with past lives.
We can begin our journey of alignment by focusing, initially, on the conscious clearing of energy, karma, that has been acquired during this lifetime and eventually moving into that which has been carried over into this incarnation. As stated earlier, as we consciously work on one area, there is a shift in the entire system as it begins to resonate/vibrate in harmony with a higher state of being.
This is where the personality is called to reflect on thoughts, words, and actions that have caused discord within the non-self and projected onto others. If there is energy that has been projected to another Soul, it requires attention, and every effort should be made to clear.
Reflection – See the etheric form surrounded by light, this can be done by visualizing a white or golden light completely immersing the etheric body, allowing this light to bathe and cleanse the form, assisting in the identification and clearing of crystalized pockets of energy.
Activity – We begin by exploring meditation, service, sound, color, light, and vibration as instruments for clearing, revitalizing, balancing, and aligning the etheric body.
a.) Meditation – Seed – Form - Mantram
b.) Service – The great healer and karmic equalizer
c.) Sound – The sacred word
d.) Vibrational – Solfeggio Frequencies
e.) Light – Chromotherapy – Vogel Crystal Light – LED
The application of the above-mentioned techniques assists in the transmutation of discordant energies allowing a new frequency to be developed. The combination of the therapies in a comprehensive approach will provide an expanded field of exploration. We can integrate these therapies to create a new frequency/vibration, allowing the personality an opportunity to reorient the direction it has taken into a new more uplifting way of life.
Let love be the guiding light upon the path of reflection.
Emotional Form

In the process of healing and transcending the impacted emotional energies, within the form, there are several approaches that can be taken to assist in their resolution. The most obvious resides within the Self through meditation and a firm understanding that there is a divine fire at the heart of our being that can and will resolve and dissolve all discordant energies. Standing firm in that truth brings about the transmutation of these impacted energies.
However, not all are at this stage and require a bit of assistance. We can always seek out the esoteric modalities, within the spiritual community, that are evidence-based approaches, such as esoteric psychology offered by transpersonal therapists, color therapy focusing on the colors of violet and gold, vibrational-frequency therapy, and Soul infused transmissions offered by advanced disciples.
A word of caution is advised when accessing these healing modalities as some are based in illusion and glamour. Often the personality is drawn to these practices by the fictious promises offered, with only one benefiting from the experience, the practitioner. Before committing to these practices, go within and seek guidance from the Soul.
Mental Form

In all that you do, let your thoughts be centered on the divine being you are and not the personality. This is one of the key principles provided in the study of Raja Yoga, a study that should be seriously considered by the sincere aspirant. The practice of Raja Yoga is considered yoga of the mind and offers a definitive approach to resolving the illusions created by the personality.
As the emotional body establishes homeostasis, for longer and longer periods of time, the mental body becomes receptive to the impulses originating from the Soul and is initially experienced as intuitive knowing developed from within. This provides the personality an opportunity to reflect on its circumstances and initialize thoughtforms that support the evolutionary process. The circumstances we refer to are the patterns, conditioning, and outdated thoughtforms that have been developed during this incarnation and are now under review or modification.
This is an excellent opportunity for the personality to engage in a meditative process that will assist in the calming of the mind.
Physical Form
It is important to realize the physical body has been severely conditioned, throughout its incarnation, into what might be considered as being a very dense vehicle. The modification of this vehicle is necessary to anchor and integrate the expanded vibrations emanating from the Soul and ultimately from the Monad.
Additionally, in order for the Monad (the divine Self) to transmit the higher frequencies and impressions to the physical brain and its receptors, there are steps that can be taken to increase its receptive abilities as well as the refinement of the complete physical form.
We can begin by consciously choosing foods, through wise discrimination and thoughtful selection, that nurture, revitalize, and sustain the whole. We can find evidence supporting a lite diet of pure food is all that is needed to sustain a healthy body. The avoidance of heavy foods or excessive intake is always a wise approach.
As the aspiring disciple advances upon the Lighted Path, they will find a vegetarian diet complements their work as they begin to work with the energies emanating from the Monad. Milk, honey, whole wheat bread, all the vegetables grown in the sun, oranges (oranges are especially recommended), bananas, raisins, nuts, some potatoes, and unpolished rice provide the basis for a well rounded diet. With the development of superfoods we can supplement our nutritional needs until the body reaches a balanced state.
A vital part of the transformation process is acquired by cleanliness through the use of pure water externally and internally, maintaining regular sleep patterns and exposing the physical body to ample doses of sunshine. This latter aspect allows the physical form to acquire, integrate, and utilize the pranic energies emanating from the sun, which is a major factor in the elimination of various germs that may cause disorders.
The use of mood or mind altering substances have a serious impact on the downward flow of energy and should be avoided at all costs.